AMET University
  • Chennai, Tamil Nadu
  • ESTD 1992

Academy of Maritime Education and Training is a private Deemed university located in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The institute is dedicated for maritime education and training. It is one of its kind technology oriented institute of higher education in India dedicated for maritime Studies.

India’s first Maritime Deemed to be University for maritime-related education, training and research.

Overlooking the deep blue sea cradled by the Bay of Bengal and tucked in the scenic drive way of east coast road is AMET. The one and only University from India to be a member of the International Association of Maritime Universities. With quality, commitment, knowledge and excellence as its corner stones, AMET had a humble beginning in the year 1993 with just 14 cadets molded for a career in merchant navy through a Higher National Diploma programme in marine engineering. AMET’s uncompromising strides of excellence in the field of maritime education and training laced with its capacity to feed the global shipping industry with an unrivalled maritime human resource secured it the status of becoming the first Deemed to be University in India for maritime education, training, research and development activities on the 21st August 2007.


AMET serves as an ocean of knowledge for over 3500 students pursuing Programmes ranging from Diploma to Doctoral programs through Faculty of Maritime Studies, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Advanced Computing Science, Faculty of Management Studies, Faculty of Commerce, Faculty of Life Sciences, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Faculty of Science and Humanities, related to marine and general sector programmes. Equipped with an excellent infrastructure for research and development, co-curricular and extracurricular activities AMET secured its compliance certificate for ISO 9001:2015 QMS standards from the prestigious and globally renowned DET NORSKE VERITAS, Norway.

The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) an autonomous institution of the University Grants Commission has assessed AMET and accredited with A Grade during September 2021. The accreditation is an indication of standards of quality as set by the NAAC and valid for a period of five years from 13-09-2021.

Forged with a vision to secure a position of prominence among the world’s maritime universities and with a mission to be the fountainhead for nurturing finest intellectual capital base for the maritime sector – worldwide, education at AMET caters to the comprehensive development of all its students so as to make them better educated, more articulate and demanding. To that end is enabled and inculcated by modern teaching aids, well equipped workshops for practical training, marine workshop for hands on training on marine auxiliaries, Ship in Campus, well furnished hostel, canteen facilities, indoor and outdoor games, swimming pool, medical facilities backed by an overall conducive learning environment.

For over two decades AMET is remaining as the favorite destination for campus interviews by many shipping giants such as AP MOLLER MAERSK, GOODWOOD, NYK, SONANGOL, VSHIPS, WALLEMS, SHELL, CHEVRON, STENA and so goes a list of over 100 companies. Besides positions onboard, AMET Business school graduates have secured lucrative jobs in commercial shipping sectors such as chartering and ship broking. Never the less, Naval architecture, petroleum engineering, harbor engineering, marine electrical and electronics engineering graduates have successfully walked away from AMET with jobs offering sumptuous packages along with an opportunity to grow and glow in their career swiftly. Needless to say about the entrepreneurship development activities nurtured into AMET’ians has been found rewarding by students who are chief executive officers of their own organization.

AMET works closely and cohesively with the global shipping industry and aligns its objectives regularly to suit the demands of the evolution in technology. Such alignment keeps the students updated and industry-ready. With a consistent placement record AMET has been recognized as a premier institution for marine and marine related jobs and has earned a position as a trustworthy consultants for research and development projects wherein the investment are worth to the tune of several crores of rupees. Adducing to this achievements are the awards and accolades garnered by AMET for a range of activities in pursuit of excellence over the last two decades in maritime education, training, research and development.

AMET commitment to cater for the maritime capacity building has no bounds. AMET’s strong hold as an institution for quality, discipline and rigor has drawn the attention of several growing maritime nations. To name a few are Republic of Nigeria, Angola and Djibouti that has signed a long term memorandum of understanding with AMET for developing their nation’s maritime human resource in particular and maritime infrastructure in general. Nigerian Maritime safety authority (NIMASA) which is the supreme authority for maritime administration in Nigeria, has got over 500 cadets trained through AMET over the last five years. AMET is a host to over 700 international students hailing from more than 10 countries across the world, thus providing and proving itself as a culturally diverse destination with a pledge to “Respect Diversity” and to promote cross cultural understanding which is the most essential quality for working in global environment.

AMET has a very ambitious vision 2025 plan wherein it aims to be a one stop solution for all marine related activities happening around the world and has clearly charted out an action plan to gauge its growth towards its 2025 milestone. The dogged perseverance of AMET’s unmatched faculty gears up the student to meet the challenges of their life and career with tenacity of mind, endeavor to face them and emerge victorious. With a synergistic attitude prevailing among management, staff and student, AMET is all set to achieve and sustain a status par excellence.

Alliance University at a Glance
Institute Name
AMET University
Estd. Year
Approved / Recognised by
Programmes offered
Maritime Studies
Chancellor Prof.
Dr. J Ramachandran
135, East Coast Road, Kanathur, Chennai, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Contact Number
1800 108 3030
Official Website
AMET University Courses Offered 2023

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Campus Placement in Top Companies

AMET Deemed to be University has endeavoured to make its students fare exceptionally well in the life beyond the Campus. The University had installed the infrastructure, employed well experienced faculty, designed, and delivered programs that help enhancing the communication, soft skills, aptitude, and technical skills which are required for making the students employable. An excellent system is in place that considers all the issues that make a student employable.

The CPT plays an integral role in grooms’ students at our university in multi-dimensional areas thereby enabling them to effortlessly face the challenges of corporate world. It ensures smooth functioning of the training and placement activities in the campus. The centre further facilitates training and placement activities of the students and makes sure they get placed in the best of both reputed national and international industries and companies.


Placement training plays a major role in shaping up the career goals of students. It is the dream of every student to get placed in a top organization visiting their campus for recruitment.

Our training programmes, here at AMET deemed to be university, are designed to instil leadership, teamwork, and global focus among learners. The training programmes are continuously and closely monitored and regularly revised to include latest trend-setting technological theories and practices in the activities.


List of Training / Programs

  • Create awareness about "Career Planning" and "Career Mapping" among the students
  • Communication Skills Training
  • Personality Development Program
  • Technical Skills Training
  • Organize Various Training Programmes to train the students in the areas of Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning and Verbal reasoning through the reputed external training organizations and in-house trainers.
  • Group Discussion Practice
  • Mock Interview Sessions
  • In plant Training
  • Conducting Industry to Institute Convergence expert interaction sessions
  • Industry Internship Programs

Syllabus for Communication / Aptitude

ametunivOur Recruiters

Facilities in AMET University

AMET Deemed to be University has endeavoured to make its students fare exceptionally well in the life beyond the Campus. The University had installed the infrastructure, employed well experienced faculty, designed, and delivered programs that help enhancing the communication, soft skills, aptitude, and technical skills which are required for making the students employable. An excellent system is in place that considers all the issues that make a student employable.

The CPT plays an integral role in grooms’ students at our university in multi-dimensional areas thereby enabling them to effortlessly face the challenges of corporate world. It ensures smooth functioning of the training and placement activities in the campus. The centre further facilitates training and placement activities of the students and makes sure they get placed in the best of both reputed national and international industries and companies.


Placement training plays a major role in shaping up the career goals of students. It is the dream of every student to get placed in a top organization visiting their campus for recruitment.

Our training programmes, here at AMET deemed to be university, are designed to instil leadership, teamwork, and global focus among learners. The training programmes are continuously and closely monitored and regularly revised to include latest trend-setting technological theories and practices in the activities.


List of Training / Programs

  • Create awareness about "Career Planning" and "Career Mapping" among the students
  • Communication Skills Training
  • Personality Development Program
  • Technical Skills Training
  • Organize Various Training Programmes to train the students in the areas of Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning and Verbal reasoning through the reputed external training organizations and in-house trainers.
  • Group Discussion Practice
  • Mock Interview Sessions
  • In plant Training
  • Conducting Industry to Institute Convergence expert interaction sessions
  • Industry Internship Programs

Syllabus for Communication / Aptitude

ametunivOur Recruiters

Admissions for AMET are based on All India level online exams. The preliminary round of entrance examinations are done online, and the next round is held after shortlisting the candidates at the university campus .

Live Application Form 2025